Abrahama-Viharas of Loving Kindness

Brahma-Viharas (the Divine Abodes)

The ‘Brahma-Viharas’ pre-date Buddhism and as such they have a Universal quality.

Loving-kindness is the first of the four Brahma-Viharas practices intended to develop ‘Immeasurable, Boundless Qualities of the Heart’.

The other three Brahma-Viharas are Compassion, Joy-gladness and Equanimity.

Together they are the doorways to self-love, self-compassion, self-appreciation and self-balance.

Out of the rich soil of Loving-kindness, 
Grows the beautiful bloom of Compassion, 
Shaded by the cool tree of Equanimity, 
Watered by tears of Joy-gladness. 

These four ‘concentration’ meditation practices train the mind to stay focused on a single object and transform our relationship to ourselves and others. These are a gradual training : you only take on that which you can skilfully and wisely deal with. These practices of Loving-kindness, Compassion, Joy-gladness and Equanimity are a prescription for healing the Heart-mind (Citta).

From:  file:///C:/Users/Avraham%20Chaim/zen/From-Hungry-Ghost-to-Being-Human-(Taking-Sajja-Beyond-Thamkrabok).pdf


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