a selection from a great article: The Understanding of Mind in the Northern Line of Ch'an (Zen) Robert B. Zeuschner Instructor in Philosophy at the University of California at Santa Barbara. Philosophy East and West, V. 28, No. 1 (January 1978) pp. 69-79 © 1978 by University of Hawaii Press, Hawaii, USA http://www.thezensite.com/ZenEssays/HistoricalZen/Understanding_mind_in_NorthernChan.htm All the teachings of Buddhism Originally exist from [the pure] mind. If you try to grasp mind by seeking outwardly You are running away from your own father. [21] To seek for Enlightenment, or Awakening, in the external realm of teachers. texts, scriptures, commentaries, or holy practices is to misunderstand the ground of Awakening--which is simply one's own original (in the sense of "fundamental") mind. Another of the five Upaaya texts states: Awakening [from] false thinking, one understands body and mind, and one penetrates Fundamental Awakening (pen-ch...