
Showing posts from June, 2019

Maezumi Roshi: Appreciate your life

I had the great fortune to sit several seshins with Maezumi Roshi and to hear the themes of this talk from him directly. They are living words. LR Appreciate Your Life BY  MAEZUMI ROSHI | MAY 1, 2001 Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window) The pitfall is always within yourself. This very body and mind is the Way. You are complete to begin with. There is no gap, but you think there is. How do you answer when someone asks you, “Why do you practice?” In the Genjo Koan, Dogen Zenji says: To study the Buddha Way is to study the self To study the self is to forget the self To forget the self is to be enlightened by the ten thousand dharmas. To be enlightened by the ten thousand dharmas is to free one’s body and mind and those of others. The word narau, or “study,” is more like “to repeat something over and over and over.” We could also say “to learn,” but not necessarily to learn something new. Perhaps an even better word would be practi...