Answers from a Zen Master These are several questions to Shodo Harada Roshi and his answers from his online site. Roshi san you mentioned in one of your teisho that love and wisdom are one. How are they one? We love flowers, because we actually become one with the flower. When a parent becomes one with their child, and a child becomes one with their parents, then for the first time true love can arise. When we can forget ourselves, and the more we can actually become the other, the greater the love is we can experience. The love of the Buddha encompasses everything and everyone.If we analyse things, if we have knowledge about things, then we cannot grasp this. Only through love can we truly accept. Love is deep wisdom toward the other. Love is the highest form of wisdom. Humans only need two things: love and wisdom. What is required to love oneself? November 1, 2014, 6:59 pm When you look with the eye of the small self, there must be nothing as distasteful as oneself. Humans experienc...